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Did you know? We’re adding new and exciting products to our site every day! We carry the best selection of new and innovative pet products, for pet owners just like you.

The Top Canadian Dogs Foods for 2023 are here!

Over the last two decades, Canadian pet food manufacturers have been developing high quality, human grade, and innovative pet foods to supply both Canada and the world. We have carefully considered them all, looking at every aspect of the manufacturer and their recipe. 

We consider:

  • Quality and source of ingredients
  • Manufacturing practices and transparency
  • Innovation and sustainability

What are the best quality cat foods you can buy in Canada? Canada is home to some of the best quality cat food brands in the world! In fact, Canadian brands lead the way in innovation and sustainability. We have carefully evaluated dozens of Canadian pet food brands, closely scrutinizing every aspect of the manufacturer and their recipe.

What makes a top cat food:

  • Quality and source of ingredients
  • Manufacturing practices and transparency
  • Innovation and sustainability